Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Thinking Folly

Eckhart Tolle is a Canadian spiritual teacher, who is not aligned with any religion or spiritual beliefs and tradition, born in Germany in 1948 under the name of Ulrich Tolle had written a very exciting explanation article entitled Thinking Folly that discussed on the relationship between thinking and people.

Now, for those whose English is not their mother tongue, including me, might be wondering. What the heck is folly? Folly, according to several online dictionary sites,
  • [mass noun] lack of good sense; foolishness: an act of sheer folly
  • [count noun] a foolish act, idea, or practice: the follies of youth
  • A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight.
  • An act or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth.
  • A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.
Hmm... doesn't makes any sense does it? Thinking foolishly? Nah, can't be. After sometimes it finally hits me, I've been trying to find the meaning of the title by directly translating it word by word. Its foolish practice, lack of good sense of how I do my thinking. Got it?

Thinking excessively is making an individual to become obsessed with it until forgetting the essential in life. However, an individual cannot steer clear from thinking, even if they tried so hard. It is in human’s blood to think about the consequences of what they did now, to the future. Thinking too much can also creates an invisible barrier that inhibits a person from making the right decision. Furthermore, he also said that thinking has been exploiting and manipulating human’s mind even though people generally think that they are the one in power over their own mind and thoughts

He stressed that what is needed in life is to be creative, and thinking is not needed to be creative because and thinking is stopping and blocking someone from generating new and fresh ideas in producing the greatest works. Even renowned individuals create their own masterpieces when they stop thinking. The inspirations for great artworks only come when the mind is at ease. Eckhart Tolle also proposed that all the miracles that happened in life is not because of thinking, but because of an entity in greater power (and I thought he is not aligned to any religion), and life will only become real and meaningful when an individual do not take their thoughts seriously.

Beyond Thinking
 Something I found along the way;
Give up defining yourself - to yourself or to others. You won't die. You will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you. When they define you, they are limiting themselves, so it's their problem. Whenever you interact with people, don't be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious Presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

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