What is left brain hemisphere and right brain hemisphere?
"A longitudinal fissure separates the human brain into two distinct cerebral hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum. The sides resemble each other and each hemisphere's structure is generally mirrored by the other side. Yet despite the strong anatomical similarities, the functions of each cortical hemisphere are managed differently. For example, the lateral sulcus generally is longer in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere."(From Lateralization of brain at Wikipedia)
does it mean to be left brain dominant or right brain dominant?
have explored theories about the two hemispheres of the brain and the ways that
they differ in function and control of the body. According to recent research,
people who are right brain dominant and those who are left brain dominant
process information and respond in different ways. By
understanding your dominant brain type, you may be able to adjust your study
methods, and perhaps shape your schedule and coursework, to suit your own
personality type.
Which side of your brain is dominating your way of thinking or doing things?
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Unsure which side of brain hemisphere dominant are you? Why don't you click any of the link below?
Warning!! Warning!!
Don't simply let the test change the way you think. Read and understand first before you follow the advises given.
We, as human being are unique. You are unique! What stated in the results might not be applicable to you.
So, after taking the test above, which side of brain is more dominant for you? A simple table below will basically what are the strong points for left or right brain student.
Left brain students
- You probably work with a To-Do list
- You like to be the critic in class
- You're good at math or science
- You are rational and logical
- Your research is precise and well-documented
- You set goals for yourself
- You can interpret information well
- Your room is orderly
- You can answer questions spontaneously
- You follow directions and you do read directions (unlike some people)
- You aren't touchy-feely
- You can listen to a long lecture without falling asleep in the class
- You don’t let feelings get in your way
- You like action movies
- You read sitting up
- Your words are precise
- In history class, you are able to remember dates and processes.
- In math class, you enjoy going through a long calculation.
- You like the order of science.
- In English class, you have a good understanding of grammar and sentence structure.
for Left Brain Students
- Study in a quiet room
- You can do math but get impatient trying to explain it to someone who struggles—so don’t volunteer to be a tutor unless you know you have the patience
- You like to lead in a study group, so go ahead and volunteer
- Join a debate team or academic competition
- Try to excel at the science fair. You can be a winner
- Take advantage of your skills in math and science
- Choose non-fiction reading
- You prefer factual questions and assignments, as opposed to open-ended questions
- You can organize your notes well, so you should Keep your room organized
- Don’t argue with the teacher too much
- Choose to do analytical essays
- Work alone when you have a choice. You get frustrated with others who “clown around”
- Avoid “free thinking” teachers if they confuse you
- Take more risks. Don’t be afraid to be creative
- You take notes but lose them. You may have a hard time keeping track of your research
- You might have a hard time making up your mind
- You are good with people
- You don't fall for practical jokes as easily as some
- You seem dreamy, but you're really deep in thought
- People may have told you you're psychic
- You like to write fiction, draw, or play music
- You might be athletic
- You like mystery stories
- You take time to ponder and you think there are two sides to every story
- You may lose track of time
- You are spontaneous
- You’re fun and witty
- You may find it hard to follow verbal directions
- You are unpredictable
- You get lost
- You are emotional
- You don't like reading directions
- You may listen to music while studying
- You read lying down
- You may be interested in “the unexplained”
- You are philosophical
- In history class, you enjoy the social aspects most. You like to explore the effects of things that happened in history. You like the essays, too.
- You can do well in math class if you apply yourself, but you get bored doing long problems.
- Science? Boring.
- You do well in English class, especially when it comes to reading literature and writing essays about books. You also do well in creative writing assignments.
- Choose to do personal essays
- Watch your daydreaming—keep it under control
- Let your imagination work for you in the arts
- Let your intuition work for you in social situations
- Let your deep thinking work for you during essay tests—but don’t ponder too long
- Be creative with essays. You can use colorful language well
- Use images and charts when you study
- Write down directions
- Try to be more organized!
- Don’t be overly suspicious of others
- Make outlines to organize your thoughts.
- Choose fiction in reading assignments
- Try to avoid teachers who lecture a lot; choose teachers who use activities
- You tell stories well, so write some!
- Put information into categories for better understanding
- Avoid getting bogged down by thinking of all possibilities when answering questions
- Finish things! You have so much talent, but you don’t always complete things.
What about people who are right in the middle? Me included. Everyone is different, and everyone has characteristics from both types. Some people are very equal when it comes to characteristics. Students who are middle brain oriented can have strong qualities from either hemisphere. Those students can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right. That sounds like a great recipe for success in business, doesn't it?
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