Lets kick off my investigation. It happened in 1888, in a place called Whitechapel, London. The first murder was around 3.40am on August 31st 1888, a body of a woman was discovered by Charles Cross, her throat had been cut so savagely that her head had almost been severed from her body. The woman was Mary Ann Nicholls, a forty - three - year - old prostitute had been disembowelled. This marks the begining of Jack The Ripper reign of terror.
The second victim, Annie Chapman (sometimes known as "Dark Annie"), mutilated body was discovered by John Davis, a market porter at 5.30am on 8th September 1888. A deep cut had slashed across her throat; her intestines had been tugged out and laid across her shoulder. Missing from the body were the uterus and part of the bladder. The contents of her pocket were found lying in a neat pile near to the body. The brass rings that she had been wearing at the time of her murder, had evidently been torn from her fingers and were never discovered. And, just a few feet away from the body, there lay a folded and wet leather apron. After the second murder, the intensification of police activity causing crime rate to drop. Even there were newspaper reports that "a dreadful quiet has descended onto the East End of London" but boy oh boy how the so called "beast of Whitechapel" proved how wrong are they
The third victim, Elizabeth Stride (sometimes known as “Long Liz Stride”), was found at around 1am on 30th September 1888 by hawker Louis Diemshutz or rather, his pony did. While walking back after hawking cheap jewellery, his pony suddenly reared in alarm. While investigating the cause of his pony to be distressed, he found a body of a woman and alerted the police. But the fact there were no mutilations to the body led the police to conclude that the murderer had been interrupted as he went about his bloody business. Is it possible that, as he stooped over his victim, the cart entering the yard had disturbed him, causing him to move back quickly into the shadows? Perhaps it was this sudden movement that had startled the pony?
The fourth victim, Catharine Eddowes, who had just being released from Bishopgate police station. The body, found by PC Watkins, had been ripped open, like a pig in the market.” If the killer had been denied his satisfaction of mutilating the body of Elizabeth Stride, his appetite had been more than sated on the unfortunate Catherine Eddowes. Her body lay on its back, head turned toward the left shoulder. The throat had been cut back to the spine; the lobe of the right ear was cut through; a V had been cut into her cheeks and eyelids; the tip of the nose was detached; her abdomen had been laid open; the intestines tugged out and laid over her shoulder, while missing from the body were the uterus and left kidney.
The final victim, twenty five year old Mary Kelly, who was murdered in her rented room on November, 1888 by Thomas Bowyer. She lay upon her bed, her head turned to the left. The whole of the surfaces of the abdomen and thighs had been removed and the abdominal cavity emptied. The breasts had been cut off, the arms mutilated by several jagged wounds and the face hacked beyond recognition. The uterus and the kidneys, together with one breast, were found beneath her head. The other breast lay by her right foot. The liver had been placed between her legs, and the spleen by the
left side of the body.
The Ripper’s reign of terror would end as suddenly and mysteriously as it had begun. As he left the bloody scene in that tiny room that morning, the Whitechapel Murderer may have performed his swansong, but the legend of Jack the Ripper was only just beginning.
Kelly is generally considered to be the Ripper's final victim, and it is assumed that the crimes ended because of the culprit's death, imprisonment, institutionalisation, or emigration. The Whitechapel murders file does, however, detail another four murders that happened after the canonical five: those of Rose Mylett, Alice McKenzie, the Pinchin Street torso and Frances Coles.From what we have read, I can safely say that the murderer is;
- very skillful with knife,
- had some knowledge about the anatomy of animal or human,
- hated women, for whatever reason, especially prostitutes ,
- psychopath.
- Prior to killing his second victim, the other prostitutes had nicknamed the killer as "Leather Apron" and whom, they were claiming had been making violent threats toward them, including that he was going to “rip them up”.
- An eye witness, Joseph Lawende together with his other 2 friends, gave the police a detailed description of this mystery man and maintain that the woman whom he saw was definitely Catharine Eddowes.
- "The beast of Whitechapel" also left behind a tantalizing clue, PC Alfred Long discovered a section of Catherine Eddowes apron. There were bloody finger marks on it and it was evident that the blade of a bloodied knife had been wiped clean upon it. This clue, tells us exactly where the murderer was heading, and confirms the theory that he was an East - Ender living in the area. Instead of escaping to the relative safety that he might find West of the district, went straight into the area where the activity was directed toward his apprehension. He could have only escaped if, as he went through the neighbourhood, he fitted in. In other words he was not thought suspicious, or out of place, by those who may have seen him.
- The doorway where the clue was found also contained a much more famous and, subsequently promoted, none clue. For, scrawled in chalk on the wall above the apron, was the message “The Juwes are the men That Will be blamed for nothing” (although several observers remembered slightly different wording to the Graffito). Sadly, Sir Charles Warren, the metropolitan police commissioner, fearful of a resurgence of the anti - Semitism that had swept the neighbourhood in the wake of the “Leather Apron” scare, ordered that the message be rubbed out, and it was duly erased at 5.30am before a photograph could be taken of it.
Joseph Barnett
Only associated with Mary Kelly.
James Kelly
He was a diagnosed Paranoid
Schizophrenic. He had shown himself capable of murder with a knife. His reasons
for murdering his wife were his belief that she was a prostitute and had
infected him with VD. Having been disavowed of this idea in Broadmoor he would
almost certainly have realised that the real source of his infection was the
prostitutes of Whitechapel and Spitalfields with whom he had consorted. He may
well have resolved to take his revenge on them for destroying his life.
Jill The RipperPlausibble but not entirely proven or convincing.
Jacob Levy
Could, one of the eye witness, the butcher Joseph Levy have in fact recognized his neighbour the butcher Jacob Levy as the man he had seen in the company of a woman who he may have presumed to be a prostitute?
James Maybrick
His name only alighted after his diary was found and made public but the authenticity of his diary is yet to be proven.
My pick will be, James Kelly.
He is well verse with knife because he work as an upholsterer, hatred towards prostitutes due to the VD that he infected with which he thought is from his wife. Because of he think that his wife is a prostitute, he killed her by stabbing in the neck. By looking to all his victims which is all of them are prostitutes, that's already give me a good evidence that he is Jack the Ripper. Besides that, this also can be prove when he write a journal that reveal of his strong disapproval of the immorality of prostitutes. Other than that, the timeline of his disappearance after escaped from Broadmoor Asylum where he copy and make the key by himself, it does suit the timeline of the murders.
Well, I think James Kelly is Jack the Ripper, but different to my dad. He don't think that James Kelly is Jack the Ripper because of his own reasons that.......
Jack the ripper cannot be James Kelly due to the fact that he is well known by the inhibitants at Whitechapel. He killed his wife doesn't he? Jack The Ripper leaves a clue after his 3rd murder which pointed that he or she went back to East-end instead of to the relative safety of West-end. This shows that whoever the killer is someone who is a low profiler, well known, distinguish. By saying so, most probably Jack The Ripper is actually Jill The Ripper..... ( this is my dad's points..well, he always have his own points which is always contrast with my points )
How about you people??
Who is the real Jack the Ripper??? Emmmmm......
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