Hah? Another excerpt?! And this time its from a technology reporter named Jenna Wortham of New York Times. In this report, she wrote about popular social website, Facebook who seems to be losing its momentum in generating revenue in 2011 after a boosting 56% grew from 2009 to 2010.
This report is mentioning bout people who finally decided to quit Facebook after finding out that they spent too much time updating their status and pictures or merely looking at others posts on their wall or pictures which cut them off from the real world.
I believe it depends on individual. Myself, for example, I've registered to Facebook since, I can't remember when. As a student, we are using Facebook as a mean of communication to communicate with our classmates for any assignment given which have to be done in group. Calling each and every member of the group ever so often will surely cost us a lot. Not trying to be stingy but the money saved can be used on other more important things.
Furthermore, in certain cases. A written statement or conversation is much, much better compare to doing it over the phone. People changed their words to suit the situation they are in, I've learnt it the hard way. So for me, I'd prefer to have a something in black and white when it comes to important matters.
A little bit of advice, know what are the dos and don'ts. I'm not having any problem so far when it comes to segregating between real world and cyber world. I still call or meet the ones that are dear to me and from time to time updates my status in Facebook or simply chat with friends.
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